The Canada Post strike is over, but they are still dealing with a backlog. Use at your peril at this point.

Ambients Silent Choc Switches

Silent Choc Switches

Our new "Ambients" line of silent choc switches are available NOW!


Silent Choc Switches

Our new "Ambients" line of silent choc switches are available NOW!


Welcome to

Our passion is low profile mechanical keyboards, with an emphasis on wireless connectivity. We design and build some of the most unique, functional and ergonomic keyboards out there, while providing quality and attention to detail that exceeds our customers expectations.

Our goal is grow the low profile keyboard space, and as such, we have recently developed new switches and keycaps to facilitate that. Great things are coming, so stay tuned!

For all the details, we highly recommend visiting us on our Discord server where you can chat with us, and a whole bunch (over 4500!) of other enthusiasts about low profile keyboards. It's a friendly server and a great place to be to stay informed about all our projects, and tell us about yours.