(Jan 2025) - Looks like I will not get engineers time until after Chinese New Year (~end of Feb). I will make it my mission to get this solved for a late spring release. Fingers crossed.
(Summer 2024) - There have been delays beyond our control. The first samples sent to us, did not meet our expectations, so further revisions have been ordered. This will likely push the availability date to the fall. We are moving as fast as we can, but the issue is the availability of Kailh engineers... they seem to be quite busy.
The Ambients are based on the original Kailh Choc V1 switch, but are a completely new design, having all their parts redesigned to accommodate the new components required to quieten the typical switch noise. Silicone bumpers have been strategically placed within the new design to buffer both the down and the up stroke of a keypress, all while not creating a mushy feeling while typing.
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- EU (DE) - Keeb Supply
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